Autumn – a time of letting go and receiving

While I was ‘nosing’ around the internet exploring what it had to say about gratitude I ran across the statement about Autumn. I thought about the ‘letting go’ of summer. I thought about me being in the autumn of my life, with winter just over the hill – letting go of...

Gratitude and Capacity

Gratitude and Capacity It is Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Our kids and their kids (6,4,2), five in all, are moving out of our house to their new home today. You might remember that they have spent almost 11 months with us after the duplex they were renting was...


  The other day I was speaking with a client (I will call her ‘Amy’) about her Emotional Intelligence assessment. During the course of our conversation she mentioned that she really needed help with her work-life balance. I continued to listen to her share a few...


The increasing availability of Covid Vaccines, and the advent of Spring, have brought me new hope for the coming months, and our ability to reengage in a more significant way with our community of family and friends. In addition, I celebrated another birthday – this...