by Jim Struck | Jan 1, 2018 | Articles, Leadership Effectiveness
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018! As I sit in my office reflecting on 2017, I am amazed by the ground covered, the changes and adaptations that were made, and the transitions that have occurred in 2017. Many of you know that a big transition for me was the move to...
by Jim Struck | Dec 4, 2017 | Communication, Leadership Effectiveness, Uncategorized
I learned some time ago that leadership is really about relationship; that the by-product of that relationship is influence. Recently, that led me back to the book, Influencer, by Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan, and Switzler. It had been a while since I had...
by Jim Struck | Nov 20, 2017 | Articles, The Coach Is In Blog
For the last month or so I have sensed that I didn’t feel quite ‘centered.’ When that occurs for any length of time, I will reflect on what my ‘habit(s)’ of care have been for my Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) energy centers. To do my...
by Jim Struck | Oct 2, 2017 | Articles, Leadership Effectiveness
Clarity: What We Know About Our Organizations, Ourselves “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” Hans Hofmann One of the nagging questions that I have from my consulting and coaching practice is why organizations,...
by Jim Struck | Sep 4, 2017 | Articles, Leadership Effectiveness, Personal Development
I was talking with one of my workmates today about my impending move to semi-retirement (the state where you play more than you work). I was sharing how weird it was to have worked for 44 years, and be down to the final 7 days. We shared a little more about what I...
by Jim Struck | Aug 21, 2017 | Personal Development, The Coach Is In Blog
The Coach Is In Loss – What happens when we lose… My last column on leadership examined leaders and loss. Out of that publication I received a question, “What do we do with leaders who have lost their identity?” The question intrigued me, because it wasn’t at all...