
As much as I talk about leadership and personal development, there is one subject that I don’t write much about – humor. It has been an integral part of my life and my work. I have found that a well-timed humorous comment can often be just what the situation needs to...

Memorial Day

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Day Today is Memorial Day – the day we honor the men and women who have died serving the U.S. Military. My father was a product...

The Power of Stopping

We are conditioned to think mostly about what we should be ‘doing.’  Certainly, most jobs reward based on what we do.  I understand this.  I have found over time that there is a subtler, and often more powerful, action that is of more value – the act of stopping...

Beginnings Depend on Endings

 “It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions.”  William Bridges, Author of Managing Transitions I am in the process of ‘transitioning’ from full time work to something else.  A general description of ‘something else’ is a state where I play more than I...

How Big Is Your World?

My wife and I just returned from two weeks in Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia.  It was an incredible trip; a trip of a lifetime.  Every day I found myself overwhelmed by either the art, the architecture, nature, the people, food, or all five!  Each day involved some...