Motivation: What We Choose…or Not

The Coach is In… Motivation: What We Choose…or Not I was having a ‘check in’ call with my virtual assistant and she asked me if I was having any trouble with motivation, as in, “Am I doing what I want to be doing?” The simple answer was “Yes.” I went on to describe...

Our Human-ness

The Coach is In… Back in December of last year I wrote a post, The Life We Live. It was about two of my good friends who had dementia and their declining health. One of them passed away this past week. I had the honor of leading his funeral service. I remember the...

The Questions We Knew When

The Coach is In… The Questions We Knew When I was talking with my good friend the other day about a gentleman I was coaching who reminded me of me 30 years earlier.  The questions he would ask me, the dilemmas he was trying to solve were uncanny in their resemblance...

No Pain No Gain

The Coach is In… No Pain No Gain Two weeks ago, I went through my second knee replacement surgery. The other one was two years ago. Nurses, doctors train us to respond to our pain with a number from zero to ten, zero being “no problem,” ten being ☹ (unmanageable)....

Nothing Stands Alone

The Coach is In… Nothing Stands Alone For all of 2021 I have reflected on our ‘connectedness’ with one another and the world around us. Some of this time included a deeper understanding of where my biases and deep-seated assumptions lie. The assumptions were deep,...

The Life We Live

  The Coach is In… “Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever; you just have to live.”  – Natalie Babbitt   The Life We Live I have two male friends who are dying. Both have dementia. When you love someone,...

Leadership Attributes in Trying Times

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”    – Thomas Paine   The end of 2021. Wow. The end of this year feels very different from last year. Is that true for you? What does the end of this year and a look into next year feel like for you? For me, it is...

Autumn – a time of letting go and receiving

While I was ‘nosing’ around the internet exploring what it had to say about gratitude I ran across the statement about Autumn. I thought about the ‘letting go’ of summer. I thought about me being in the autumn of my life, with winter just over the hill – letting go of...

The ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ of Life

The ‘Head’ and ‘Heart’ of Life We are rapidly moving into Fall. A time when days shorten noticeably, the air becomes brisker in the morning and evening, leaves are painted another color, and pumpkins announce the beginning of the holiday season. I enjoy the Fall. By...