Truth Through the Eyes of Our Bias

The Coach is In… “We see truth through the eyes of our bias.” – Charles F Glassman One of the ‘threads’ that came to mind during my writing about grace, acceptance, love in the face of worthiness was ‘bias and assumption.’ I would like to ‘pull’ on that thread now....

Know Thyself

The Coach is In… “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  – Socrates Much of how well we do in life, and as a leader, comes from our self-awareness. Do we ‘know ourselves?’ Do we have a strong sense of who we are and our purpose? How close is how we see...

A Final Word About Self-Care

As I left Part 2 of my post on self-care and corporate care, I kept thinking there was something more. The ‘something more’ turned out to be a story that is a powerful illustration of depletion and renewal. Megan was in the back of the room with fellow...

Self-care and Corporate Care Part 2

I lead with a quote from a piece that my friend and colleague, Richard Smith, wrote RENEWAL. . . OR IS IT. . .REPAIR?  “ ‘IT’ has many names: hurry sickness, stress, burnout, depletion, self-violence.  No matter what ‘IT’ is called we know it is so pervasive that in...

Gratitude and Capacity

Gratitude and Capacity It is Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Our kids and their kids (6,4,2), five in all, are moving out of our house to their new home today. You might remember that they have spent almost 11 months with us after the duplex they were renting was...

Learning to Embrace the Chaos

In June, 2015 I wrote a piece on “embracing the chaos” in our lives. I thought, given the past year, it might be interesting/helpful to revisit the topic. A few years back I was mentoring a young man from our church.  He was a senior in college and full of questions...


  The other day I was speaking with a client (I will call her ‘Amy’) about her Emotional Intelligence assessment. During the course of our conversation she mentioned that she really needed help with her work-life balance. I continued to listen to her share a few...