Leadership Vision News
Personal Accountability
We are in the final month of the year, and the final year of the decade. We are soon heading into the 21st year of this millennium. Do you remember when we thought moving from 1999 to 2000 would wreak havoc on our technology; the number of things that wouldn’t work... read moreGratitude for What Wasn’t
The Coach is In… Gratitude for What Wasn’t Gratitude is often about what we have. Sometimes in life there are things we’re glad we didn’t experience. That is this story. As I write this it is November 11, 2019, Veteran’s Day. This is the day as a nation we stop to... read moreOptimism
Optimism I have a friend who refers to me as the “terminal” optimist. He is not. We laugh about it. From time to time in my life I have had to temper my optimism with a dose or two of logic; or talk to someone that was more of a ‘realist.’ By and large, however, I... read moreWhat Our Clients Say
Jim Struck is peerless in his understanding of the complexity and impact of coaching individuals and organizations. His career reflects mastery in assisting others in attaining their potential and organizational transformation. During my tenure with Choices, Inc, as President and Executive Director of Families Reaching for Rainbows, Inc, Jim helped build my leadership skills and reinforced the excellence I was striving to achieve. He awakened untapped resources within me and encouraged powerful networking and leadership talents. Through Jim’s passion for this field and his tireless years of Leadership Vision, you see his lasting impact all across this community.