Leadership Vision News
Have you ever been hurt so deep by a friend or family member that you didn’t want to reconcile? I’m thinking most of us have. It can be a very hard and difficult process. For me, reconciliation is about “bringing back together again.” It takes both parties to... read moreLeaders and Their Inner Work Part 2
Leadership – The Fruits of Internal Work Part 2 “Awareness does not bring comfort, more often it brings disturbance.” –Greenleaf I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend. We used the time to invite friends and family over. We also took a moment... read moreAn Encouraging Word
A couple of years back a friend of mine gave me a memorial journal after my college roommate passed. It is a place to journal about those people that were closest to you who are no longer with you. It is a very cool gift. Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I found myself... read moreWhat Our Clients Say
Jim Struck is peerless in his understanding of the complexity and impact of coaching individuals and organizations. His career reflects mastery in assisting others in attaining their potential and organizational transformation. During my tenure with Choices, Inc, as President and Executive Director of Families Reaching for Rainbows, Inc, Jim helped build my leadership skills and reinforced the excellence I was striving to achieve. He awakened untapped resources within me and encouraged powerful networking and leadership talents. Through Jim’s passion for this field and his tireless years of Leadership Vision, you see his lasting impact all across this community.