Leadership Vision News
Leaders and Their Inner Work
Leadership – The Fruits of Internal Work “If you can become the leader you ought to be on the inside, you will be able to become the leader you want to be on the outside.” John C. Maxwell As I embark on writing this column, I am aware of the recent news that... read moreThe Journey to True Belonging
I was looking for something to read last week on my vacation. I happened upon Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness. I first heard of Brene through her TED talk on October 6, 2010 on the power of vulnerability. I liked what I heard. Her book intrigued me. The... read moreToward Greater Accountability
Accountability Part III “Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions.” John Di Lemme The promises of Spring are all around us. For me, the month of March is that transition... read moreWhat Our Clients Say
Jim Struck is peerless in his understanding of the complexity and impact of coaching individuals and organizations. His career reflects mastery in assisting others in attaining their potential and organizational transformation. During my tenure with Choices, Inc, as President and Executive Director of Families Reaching for Rainbows, Inc, Jim helped build my leadership skills and reinforced the excellence I was striving to achieve. He awakened untapped resources within me and encouraged powerful networking and leadership talents. Through Jim’s passion for this field and his tireless years of Leadership Vision, you see his lasting impact all across this community.