
Leadership Vision offers a variety of education for organizations and/or individuals.

Contact us for adaptability of education in shorter and longer blocks of time.

Experience Leadership Academy (12-18 months)This is a unique opportunity to grow the capacity of your leaders.  Custom designed to the needs of the participants, this year long intensive experience is a combination of individual growth experiences and assessments, education, individual coaching, group learning and coaching opportunities to accelerate and reinforce learning.  All learning is experiential and based on their real-life responsibilities and desired outcomes.  Designed for emerging leaders who want to accelerate their growth and effectiveness as a leader.  Contact us for custom pricing.

The Discovery/Innovation Process (DIP) an operational framework to achieve higher performing teams. This tool is designed to address key struggles within groups such as: passive aggressive behavior in groups, inconclusive decision making, pervasive organizational silos, lack of accountability and execution.

The Extraordinary Leader (2 hrs or 4 hrs) An in depth look at what makes a great leader and how extraordinary leaders drive growth and profits in companies.

What Are You Creating (2 hrs) An exploration of priority management and why energy is more important to manage than time.

The Business Imperative for Creating a Culture of Candor (2hrs, 4hrs) The need for greater transparency in our business operations has created a need for conversations of candor at all levels of the organizations. This educational offering explores this need and how to create it and what you achieve when you do.

Coaching to Greater Leadership Effectiveness (2hrs, 4hrs, Full Day) Why using a coaching model helps you manage different generations to higher engagement, more productivity, lower turnover and higher company performance.

Team Dynamics and Greater Engagement (2hrs, 4hrs)
This educational offering explores how teams work best together and the impact they have on the engagement of the workforce.

Awakening Corporate Soul: Building a Culture of Performance (2 hrs, 4hrs, Full Day) Often leadership focuses on technology, tactics, and strategy to create success.  When focus turns to our people to execute we may not fully know what motivates or what makes a great place to work.  Organizational performance studies are showing us that the key to success is making sure our human capital is engaged in what they/we are doing.  Some of this impact will surprise you.  This offering explores how to build a culture of spirit that will enable organizations to create greater commitment, attract the best people, and improve performance.